David a. kolb Learning Style 체크하기
Learning-Style Inventory: Instructions:
LSI describes the way you learn and how you deal with ideas and day-to-day situations in your life. Rank the four endings for each of the following 12 sentence according to how well you think each fits with how you would go about learning something. Try to recall some recent situations where you had to learn something new, perhaps in your job. Then, using the spaces provided, rank a "4" for the sentnece ending that describes how you learn best, down to a "1" for the sentence ending that seems least like the way you would learn. Be sure to ran all the endings for each sentence unit. Please do not make ties.
When I learn:
4 a. I like to deal with my feelings
1 b. I like to watch and listen
2 c. I like to think about ideas
3 d. I like to be doing things
1. When I learn:
_ a. I like to deal with my feelings
_ b. I like to watch and listen
_ c. I like to think about ideas
_ d. I like to be doing things
2. I lean best when:
_ a. I listen and watch carefully
_ b. I trust my hunches and feelings
_ c. I work hard to get things done
_ d. I rely on logical thinking
3. When I am learning
_ a. I am responsible about things
_ b. I am quiet and reserved
_ c. I have strong feelings and reactions
_ d. I tend to reason things out
4. I learn by:
_ a. thinking
_ b. doing
_ c. feeling
_ d. watching
5. When I learn:
_ a. I am open to new experiences
_ b. I look at all sides of issues
_ c. I like to analyze things, break them down into their parts
_ d. I like to try things out
6. When I am learning:
_ a. I am an observing person
_ b. I am a logical person
_ c. I am an active person
_ d. I am an intuitive person
7. I learn best from:
_ a. a chance to try out and practice
_ b. rational theories
_ c. observation
_ d. personal relationships
8. When I learn:
_ a. I like ideas and theories
_ b. I feel personally involved in things
_ c. I like to see results from my work
_ d. I take my time before acting
9. I learn best when:
_ a. I rely on my feelings
_ b. I can try things out for myself
_ c. I rely on my ideas
_ d. I rely on my observations
10. When I am learning:
_ a. I am a reserved person
_ b. I am an accepting person
_ c. I am a responsible person
_ d. I am a rational person
11. When I leran:
_ a. I like to be active
_ b. I evaluate things
_ c. I like to observe
_ d. I get involved
12. I learn best when:
_ a. I am careful
_ b. I analyze ideas
_ c. I am practical
_ d. I am receptive and open-minded
After you have completed the questions, discover your learning-style by taking one question at a time, and for each line, look at the letter associated with your numeral answer. Go to the key below to see which box your points for that answer belong to. You may need an extra piece of paper for more room to add your scores. Do this for each line on every questions. Finish by adding up the numbers in each box for your total scores.
1. a-1, b-2, c-3, d-4
2. a-2, b-1, c-4, d-3
3. a-4, b-2, c-1, d-3
4. a-3, b-4, c-1, d-2
5. a-1, b-2, c-3, d-4
6. a-2, b-3, c-4, d-1
7. a-4, b-3, c-2, d-1
8. a-3, b-1, c-4, d-2
9. a-1, b-4, c-3, d-2
10. a-2, b-1, c-4, d-3
11. a-4, b-3, c-2, d-1
12. a-2, b-3, c-4, d-1
Box 1 feeler :
Box 2 observer :
Box 3 thinker :
Box 4 doer :
몇 가지 특징들
Learning style | Learning characteristic | Description |
Converger | Abstract conceptualization + Active experimentation | * strong in practical application of ideas * can focus on hypo-deductive reasoning on specific problems * unemotional * has narrow interests (How does "this" work?) |
Diverger | Concrete experience + Reflective observation | * strong in imaginative ability * good at generating ideas and seeing things from different perspectives * interested in people * broad cultural interests (Why do I need to Know "this"?) |
Assimilator | Abstract conceptualization + Reflective observation | * strong ability to create theoretical models * excels in inductive reasoning * concerned with abstract concepts rather than people (What do I need to know?) |
Accommodator | Concrete experience + Active experimentation | * greatest strength is doing things * more of a risk taker * performs well when required to react to immediate circumstances * solves problems intuitively (What can "this" become?) |
David a. kolb의 Learning Style의 더 자세한 정보는 아래의 링크를 참고
david a. kolb on experiential learning