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바울 전도여행과 바울서신 저작연대표

yyht 2014. 6. 28. 01:57
연도 성경저작 전도여행 도시 및 사건
A.D. 30   Jesus Died and rose
33-34   Paul is converted,
preaches in Arabia and Damascus,
escapes a Jewish plot by being let down in a basket through an opening in the wall at Damascus.
37   Barnabas introduces Paul to the church in Jerusalem.
Paul returns to Tarsus.
Barnabas brings Paul to Antioch in Syria.
47   Barnabas and Paul take famine relief to Jerusalem.
47-48   I. The First Missionary Journey

Antioch in Syria (Incident with Cephas/Peter?)
Cyprus: Bar-Jesus (Elymas) was blinded and the proconsul Sergius Paulus converted.
Perga in Pamphylia:John Mark returned.
Antioch of Pisidia:Paul preached in the synagogue.
Lystra:Paul healed a cripple, Barnabas and Paul were worshipped as Zeus and Hermes; Paul was stoned.
Antoich of Pisidia
Perga in Pamphylia
48   Antioch in Syria (incident with Cephas/Peter?)
48-49 Galatians  
49   The Jerusalem Council (Acts 15)
49-52   II. The Second Missionary Journey

(Paul and Barnabas disagreed whether to take John Mark; Paul took Silas.)
Antioch in Syria
Lystra: Paul took Timothy.  ]
Iconium                             ] Phyrgia and South Galatia
Antioch of Pisidia             ]
Troas: Paul saw the man of Macedonia in a vision
Philippi: Lydia was converted; a demon-possessed girl was delivered;
Paul and Silas were jailed; an carthquake occurred at midnight; the jailer was converted.
Thessalonica: a Jewish-inspired mob assaulted the house of Jason, where Paul was staying.
Berea: The Bereans "searched the [Old Testament] scriptures" to verify Paul's message.
Athens: Paul was alone; he preached his sermon on Mars' Hill;
Timothy and Silas rejoined Paul, but Paul sent Timothy back to Thessalonica and Silas elsewhere.
50-52   Corinth: Paul made tents with Priscilla and Aquila; Timothy and Silas rejoined


Paul moved his preaching from the synagogue to the house of Titius Justus;
Crispus the synagogue ruler was converted;
in a vision Jesus told Paul to stay; the Roman proconsul Gallio refused to condemn Paul for preaching;
Paul spent one and a half years in Corinth.
Cenchrea: Paul shaved his head.
Ephesus: Priscilla and Aquila accompanied Paul this far, but stayed in Ephesus.
Antioch in Syria
52-57   III. The Third Missionary Journey

Antioch in Syria
Galatia and Phyrgia
Fall 52-


Ephesus: Disciples of John the Baptist received the Spirit;
Paul Preached in the school of Tyrannus; the seven sons of Sceva (unbelieving Jews) tried to use Jesus' name in exorcising demons;
converts burned their books of magic;
Demetrius led a riot in behalf of the goddess Artemis (Diana);
Paul spent two years and three months in Ephesus. During this time, he made a painful visit to Corinth and then sent Titus with a letter for them.
56 2Corinthians Macedonia (Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea)
57 [Galatians
according to
the north
Galatian theory]
Greece, or Achaia (Athens and Corinth): Jews plotted to kill Paul on a voyage to Palestine.
Troas: Eutychus fell out of a window during Paul's sermon.
Miletus: Paul bade farewell the Ephesian elders.
Tyre: Paul was warned not to go to Jerusalem
Caesarea: Paul stayed in the house of Philip; Agabus warned Paul with a symbolic girdle about what would happen in Jerusalem.
57   Jerusalem: Paul reported to the church;
involved hiself in a jewish vow to show he was not against the Mosaic law;
was seized in the temple; was rescued by Roman soldiers;
spoke to the Jews from the castle stairway;
spoke to the Sanhedrin;
Jews plotted to ambush him; Claudius Lysias sent him to Felix in Caesarea.
57-59   Caesarea: Paul stood trial before Felix, Festus, and Agrippa, and appealed his case to Caesar.
59-60   IV. The Journey to Rome

Crete: Paul's advice not to sail was rejected.
Storm on the Mediterranean Sea
60-62 Philemon,
Malta(Melita): shipwreck occurred;
Paul shook a viper off his hand and suffered no ill effects
Rome: Paul rented a house-prison; preached to Jews and Gentiles;
and for two years awaited trial before Nero.
62   Release from prison
62-65/67 1Timothy
Further traveling
65/67 2Timothy Reimprisonment; Marthydom