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yyht 2009. 2. 18. 01:55

Gordon Fee가 쓴 Book by Book에서 발췌한 표이고요.. 흠.. 보니까 일곱가지 표징이 11장까지 나와 있네요..

1:1-18 : Prologue
1:19-2:12 : Jesus as the Messiah is manifested to His Disciples
    1:19-42 Not John, but Jesus, is the Messiah
    1:43-51 Jesus as true Israelite
    2:1-12 Jesus as fulfillment of Jewish messianic hope (first sign, wedding in Gana 2:1-11)
2:13-12:50 : Jesus as the Messiah is manifested to the world
    2:13-4:54 : First Passover (second a son of an official 4:46-54)
    5:1-47 : Unnamed Feast (third a sick man in Bethzatha, 5:1-16)
    6:1-71 : Second Passover (fourth five loaves and two fish 6:1-15 and fifth walking on the sea 6:16-21)
    7:1-10:21 : The Feast of Tabernacles (sixth a blind man 9:1-41)
    10:22-42 : The Feast of Dedication
    11:1-12:36 : Prelude to the Final Passover (seventh death of Lazarus 11:1-44)
    12:37-50 : The house is divided
13:1-20:31 : Jesus as the Messiah died for the world
    13:1-17:26 : Jesus at table with His disciples
    18:1-20:31 Jesus as Passover lamb
    21:1-25 : Epilogue

I followed the structure suggested in “How to read the Bible book by book.” The reason I followed this structure is because I strongly believe that one of the major concerns of John was Jesus as expected Messiah and son of God. This structure shows Jesus’ ministry and mission as the expected Messiah. I like and agree with the big frame but I honestly do not know about the smaller sections.