the fail of theological education
Achtemeier and Walter Wink have shown that our historical-critical exegesis and our critical theology are bankrupt. Students learn them only to pass examinations, then later find them irrelevant in their practical work. Critical exegesis is not bankrupt because it is wrong, but because it cannot make its insights fruitful for the normal believer; and this in turn is because it is not tested in liturgical and homiletical praxis. Perhaps Pentecostals can help in this dilemma. They learn critical exegesis not to pass examinations but because they want to know; they do not accept everything in critical theology but they test it with a view to its usefulness. Such studnets and fellow-researchers, such teachers and professors are needed.
Hollenweger, Pentecostalism P. 197
교회사 페이퍼용으로 오순절 운동이 약간 이상하게 바뀌어진 이유를 파고 있는데.. 이런 구절이 있네요.. 가슴을 팍 찌르는군요.. 그런데 오순절 운동의 변질..은 결국 성경이네요.. Lack of theological education..