오늘 Pastoral Ministry 시간에 한 예배 정리..
Four States of Historical Public Worship by Robert Webber.
1. Acts of gethering
- prelude
- call to worship
- ringing church bell
- welcoming word
- personal prayer (Korean church's tradition)
- songs (opening hymns)
- invocation
2. Service of the Word
- public reading the scripture (OT, NT, Gospel, Psalm all together)
- prayer for illumination
- sermon
- songs (related to the sermon)
3. Service of Table (or Service of Thanksgiving) Response to the Word
- Table of Lord's supper
- confession of sin and assurance of salvation
- passing of the peace (1 Cor. 11)
4. Acts of dismissing
- benediction (spoken blessing over the people) God -> people
- doxology (words of glory and praise) people -> God
- closing prayer
Regarding the state of two and three, stage two is revelation of God. State three is the response of people toward the revelation of God. Regarding the response of people there are several practices.
- silence
- song
- decision
- Table service
- offering
As we see, there are several interactions in the worship service. Some elements of worship service represent the response of people toward God, some elements of worship service represent the revelation of God to His people and some elements represent the interaction among the people to other people as saved one. This is the worship.
Conclusively there are four states in the worship.
1. God calls His people to the public worship.
2. and God reveals His Word and Himself to His people.
In this revelation, two elements are to be presented.
1) Who is God?
2) What God has done for us?
3. the people response to God
4. and the service dismisses
In any worship service..
1. God's Holiness, Nature, Majersity should be revealed.
2. then confession of sin follows from the people as a response of God's revelation.
3. and God's mercy based on Gospel should be proclaimed.
4. then people response for His grace through praise and thanksgiving and believing.
5. then mission commitment goes after.
<Who is God?>
<What has God done for us?>
<What does God call us to do today?>
* Coming and participating on the Table Service is a part of act of confessing our sin.