'전체 글'에 해당되는 글 1128건

  1. 2016.06.18 Spore (스포어) Consequences 정보

Spore badges
Spore Consequences
Spore Spice Informations

The following table lists the abilities that can be gained for use in the Space stage, and shows the required behavior in each of the previous stages to gain each ability.

Colour of
card earned
Cell stage 
consequence ability
for Space stage
Creature stage 
consequence ability
for Space stage
Tribal stage
consequence ability
for Space stage
Civilization stage
consequence ability
for Space stage
Green Social Suave: 
Gives you an immediate
20% negotiation discount
on all social tools
Pleasing Performance: 
Makes all of your colonies
happy and reduces the
likelihood of revolt.
Gracious Greeting:
Boosts your initial relationship
with alien races (+10)
*Green Keeper:
Decreases the rate of
bio disasters on
all of your colonies
Blue Gentle Generalist: 
Gives you a 20% discount
on all standard equipment
*Speed Demon: 
Makes interstellar space
travel faster

(2/3 total flight time)
*Colony Craze: 
Gives you a 20% discount
on all colonization tool trades.
Spice Savant:
Increases spice production
from all your colonies
Red Power Monger: 
Increases the effectiveness
of all weapons
(half energy bar usage).
Prime Specimen: 
Increases your
spaceship's total
health (1.5x)
Arms Dealer: 
This ability gives you
a 20% discount
on all combat tools
Pirate B Gone:
Reduces the frequency of
pirate raids

After completing the cell stage you are awarded one of three sets of consequence abilities for the future stages. Which set you are awarded depends on how you played the stage. The three are herbivore, carnivore, and omnivore.

Behaviour in
Cell stage
Creature stage
consequence ability
Tribal stage
consequence ability
Civilization stage
consequence ability
Space stage
consequence ability
Herbivore Siren Song:
Makes socializing
with creatures easier
Refreshing Storm:
Summons a storm that
causes fruit to be
replenished and fall from trees
Healing Aura:
Repairs all your vehicles
and buildings
Social Suave:
Gives you an immediate 20%
negotiation discount on
all social tools
Omnivore Summon Flock:
Summon a flock of
minions to help you
socialize or fight
Flying Fish:
Summon a serpent
to scare fish from the sea
Static Bomb:
Temporarily immobilize
vehicles, turrets and buildings
Gentle Generalist:
Gives you a 20% discount on
all standard equipment
Carnivore Raging Roar:
Make all surround
ing creatures run in fear
Lay a trap to ensnare
wild animals
Make your vehicles
impervious to damage
for a limited time
Power Monger:
Increases the effectiveness of
all weapons
(half energy bar usage).
Posted by yyht