Haddon Robinson's Ten Stages to 'Biblical Preaching'

1. Select the Passage.

Base the sermon on a unit of biblical thought.

2. Study the Passage and Gather Your Notes.

Use sheets of paper to keep notes on the idea, its development, illustrations and possible introductions, and applications.

3. Discover Exegetical Idea.

As you study the passage, relate the parts to each other to determine the exegetical idea and its development.

a) State the idea of the passage in a single sentence that combines your subject and complement.

"What is the author talking about?" Subject
"What is the author saying about what he is talking about?" Complement
Subject + Complement = Main Idea

b) Outline the development of that idea from the passage.

4. Analyze the Exegetical Idea.

Submit the exegetical idea to three developmental questions.

a) What does it mean? Explores explanation. (무슨 뜻인지 설명)
b) Is trues? Do I believe it? Ex;lores validity. (사실인지 증명)
c) So what? What difference does it make? Explores implications and application. (그래서 나와는뭔 관계? 적용)

*Developmental Question

5. Formulate the Homilectical Idea.

In light of the audience's knowledge and experience think through the exegetical idea and state it in the most exact memorable sentence possible.

How can the main/exegetical idea be made real for this audience?

* Restatement of Exegetical Idea

6. Determine the Sermon's Purpose.

The purpose states what one expects to happen in the hearer as a result of preaching this sermon.

a) Why did the author write this?
b) What effect did he expect it to have on his readers?
c) What is expected to happen to the hearer as a result of hearing this?

* Shall I let them feel things? let them know things? let them think things?

7. Decide How to Accomplish this purpose.

Thinking about the homiletical idea, ask yourself how this idea should be handled to accomplish your purpose.

a) Is there an idea to be explained? = deductive
b) Is there a proposition to be proved? = deductive
c) Is there a principle to be applied? = deductive
d) Is there a subject to be completed? = key word approach = combination
e) Is there a story to be told? = inductive story
f) Is there a problem to be solved? A misunderstanding or prejudice to be changed? = inductive
g) Should the sermon develop inductively, deductively, or through a combination both?

* Deductive? or Inductive? or Both?

8. Outline the Sermon.

Having decided how the idea must be developed to accomplish your purpose, outline the sermon. Include transitions. Outlines must have complete thoughts and statements in the moves. Questions are reserved for transitions.

9. Fill in the Sermon Outline.

Fill in the outline with supporting materials that explain, prove, apply or amplifyy the moves of the sermon. Explain relationships and make transition. In inductive sermons, transitions are critical.

Do the moves/ sub-ideas need:

a) a Restatement?
b) an Explanation and Definition?
c) some Factual Information?
d) a Quotation?
e) a Narration?
f) an Illustration?

10. Prepare the Introduction and Conclusion.

A good introduction exposes the congregation to the idea and its development or the first move/ sub-idea of the sermon. A good conclusion gives the congregation a view of the idea, entire and complete, and drives home its truth to the mind and life.

Does the Introduction:

a) Command attention?
b) introduce the body of a sermon?
c) surface needs?
d) is it short?

Is the conclusion:

a) a Summary?
b) Illustration?
c) Quotation?
d) Question?
e) Prayer?

Prepare the written manuscript (think in images), practice the sermon, deliver it, and evaluate!

Posted by yyht