같은 방 roommate 전도사님이 사역하시는 교회에 Jesuit high school에 다니는 고등학생이 있답니다. 그 학교는 Theology라는 과목이 있다는데.. 그 과목의 예상 시험문제가 아래와 같답니다..
1. In the first chapters of his gospel, Mark already hints as to how Jesus' life will end. List a few of those hints. How does the so-called "messianic secret" theme contribute to the gospel's development.
2. How are the apostles characterized in Mark's gospel? Which scenes exemplify this portrait? What does this characterization tell us about being a follower of Jesus?
3. Mark records many dramatic scenes as Jesus prepares for his death. Describe two of these scenes. What is the pastoral lesson and how is the scene meant to involve you, the reader?
4. Explain the (short, original) ending of Marks gospel. In what way is the gospel like a parable? What challenge does this close to the gospel present?
5. At the time of Jesus' arrest in the garden Mark presents two responses. What is Mark trying to teach us through these responses? How does Jesus respond to the ultimate injustice that he faces?
흠.. 고등학교의 Theology 시간의 교육수준이 높네요.... 마가복음은 아직 제가 공부를 안 해봐서.. 사실 저도 답을 잘 모르겠어요..
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