between the two worlds 라는 책을 읽고 있는데.. 설교의 길이 이야기가 나왔네요..

I have often been asked how long I think a sermon ought to be. It is an impossible question to answer because there are so many imponderables. It depends on the occasion and the topic, on the preacher's gift and the congregation's maturity.

I think every sermon should last just as long as the preacher needs in which to deliver his soul. Basically, it is not the length of a sermon which makes a congregation impatient for it to stop, but the tedium of a sermon in which even the preacher himself appears to be taking very little interest. 'The true way to shorten a sermon,' said H. W Beecher, 'is to make it more interesting.'

Between two worlds, p. 292

Posted by yyht